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Music platforms

YouTube Channel

Singing Bell’s YouTube Channel is a true gem in the world of online music content. With a dedicated following of over 35,000 subscribers, this channel has been captivating the hearts of music enthusiasts since its inception on October 14, 2013. Singing Bell is not just any music channel; it’s a treasure trove of high-quality content that spans across a wide array of musical genres and styles for children, parents, and music teachers alike.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Singing Bell’s YouTube Channel is its extensive library of more than 500 videos, mostly for kids. These videos encompass a diverse range of offerings, catering to both seasoned musicians and casual music lovers alike.

The channel is a haven for those who wish to improve their singing and instrument playing skills, as it provides an impressive collection of tutorial videos. These tutorials are meticulously crafted, making it easy for viewers to grasp complex musical concepts and techniques. There you’ll find Christmas piano tutorials and piano tutorial videos for kids (for 1 hand or for 2 hands).

You can also find a variety of glockenspiel / xylophone tutorial videos – for kids, for pop & rock songs, for Christmas songs, for soundtracks and movie theme songs, and for classical themes.

Additionally, Singing Bell is known for its karaoke videos with lyrics, allowing users to sing along to their favorite songs with confidence. These karaoke videos are thoughtfully produced, featuring accurate lyrics and high-quality instrumental tracks. Singing Bell’s commitment to precision and detail is evident in every video, ensuring an enjoyable and immersive experience for viewers.

For those who simply want to revel in the joy of music, Singing Bell offers sing-along videos with lyrics. These videos make it effortless for viewers to join in and harmonize with the music, fostering a sense of community and shared musical passion.

As of October 2023, Singing Bell has amassed an astonishing 22 million views on its channel. This staggering viewership is a testament to the channel’s unwavering commitment to excellence in music content creation.

Singing Bell has successfully carved out a niche for itself in the competitive landscape of YouTube, thanks to its dedication to quality, accessibility, and the universal language of music.

Youtube Playlists

Informational and Educational Videos

Instrumental Children’s Songs & Nursery Rhymes with lyrics

Kids’ Songs with Vocals | 60 Sing-Along Rhymes

Karaoke para niños en español

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