If you’re looking for the original Mi burrito sabanero lyrics, you’ve come to the right place!
This Christmas carol from Venezuela became really popular in 1975 thanks to the group called La Rondallita.
On this page you will find the lyrics of the song, Singing Bell’s own rendition in English, and a printable PDF file with lyrics for free download. You can also watch a sing-along video. Enjoy!
Table of Contents
- Printable Lyrics PDF
- Lyrics – (Original Lyrics in Spanish)
- English Lyrics – (Rendition by Singing Bell)
- Karaoke Video with Lyrics
Printable Lyrics PDF
Click on the button to download a PDF file with lyrics to this song for free.
Lyrics –
(Original Lyrics in Spanish)
Con mi burrito sabanero, voy camino de Belén
Con mi burrito sabanero, voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven
Voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven
Voy camino de Belén
El lucerito mañanero ilumina mi sendero
El lucerito mañanero ilumina mi sendero
Si me ven, si me ven
Voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven
Voy camino de Belén
Con mi cuatrico voy cantando, mi burrito va trotando
Con mi cuatrico voy cantando, mi burrito va trotando
Si me ven, si me ven
Voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven
Voy camino de Belén
Tuki tuki tuki tuki
Tuki tuki tuki ta
Apúrate, mi burrito
Que ya vamos a llegar
Tuki tuki tuki tuki
Tuki tuki tuki tu
Apúrate mi burrito
Vamos a ver a Jesús
(Repeat ALL previous lyrics once more / Repite TODAS las letras anteriores una vez más)
Con mi burrito sabanero, voy camino de Belén
Con mi burrito sabanero, voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven
Voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven
Voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven
Voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven
Voy camino de Belén
English Lyrics –
(Rendition by Singing Bell)
My little donkey in the desert, on my way to Bethlehem
My little donkey in the desert, on my way to Bethlehem
If you see me, see me then
I’m on my way to Bethlehem
If you see me, see me then
I’m on my way to Bethlehem
The bright morning of the new day sheds a light on my pathway
The bright morning of the new day sheds a light on my pathway
If you see me, see me then
I’m on my way to Bethlehem
If you see me, see me then
I’m on my way to Bethlehem
In my carriage I am singing, the little donkey is trotting
In my carriage I am singing, the little donkey is trotting
If you see me, see me then
I’m on my way to Bethlehem
If you see me, see me then
I’m on my way to Bethlehem
Touki touki touki touki
Touki touki touki tah
Hurry up, my little donkey
we’re approaching His land
Touki touki touki touki
Touki touki touki tou
Hurry up, my little donkey,
Jesus’s almost within view
(Repeat ALL previous lyrics once more)
My little donkey in the desert, on my way to Bethlehem
My little donkey in the desert, on my way to Bethlehem
If you see me, see me then
I’m on my way to Bethlehem
If you see me, see me then
I’m on my way to Bethlehem
If you see me, see me then
I’m on my way to Bethlehem
If you see me, see me then
I’m on my way to Bethlehem
Karaoke Video with Lyrics
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