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Album Description

The United States has exported a lot of popular songs for kids, turning them into a part of the global culture.

These 12 songs for children will thrill everyone; from the thrilling If You’re Happy and You Know it to When the Saints Go Marching In, from Kumbaya to the wonderful This Little Light of Mine, these songs will cover a range of moods, calling kids to sing-along.

2 instrumental tracks (Hail to the Bus Driver and Yankee Doodle) find their way into this album in case you’re up for some singing yourself!

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Track listing

  1. If you’re Happy and You Know it
  2. The Farmer in the Dell
  3. Oh Susanna
  4. She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain
  5. When the Saints Go Marching in
  6. This Little Light of Mine
  7. Row Row Row your Boat
  8. Bingo Song
  9. Yankee Doodle (instrumental)
  10. Hail to the Bus Driver (instrumental)
  11. I’m a Little Teapot
  12. Kumbaya
<strong>Vol 1<strong>
<strong>Vol 2<strong>
<strong>Vol 3<strong>
Vol 4
Songs for Kids Vol. 5
<strong>Vol 5<strong>
Albums for kids
Singing Bell's Music Albums

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