“Itsy-Bitsy Spider” (also known as “Eetsy-Beetsy Spider” or “Incy-Wincy Spider“) is a traditional song about a spider that tries to climb up the waterspout and the troubles that occur on her way. It is usually accompanied by a sequence of gestures that mimic the words of the song.
The song is sung by and for children in countless languages and cultures. In Germany the melody is used for the song “Spannenlanger Hansel”.
On this page you can find Lyrics, a Printable Lyrics PDF file for free Download, plus a Karaoke Video with Lyrics of the song.
Printable Lyrics PDF
Click on the button to download a PDF file with lyrics to this song for free.
1. The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the spout again
2. The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the big tall tree
Down came the snow and made the spider freeze
Out came the sun and melted all the snow
So the itsy-bitsy spider had another go
3. The itsy-bitsy spider climbed in the bubble bath
Then came rubber duckie and made the spider laugh
Down came the water and washed him down the drain
So the itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the spout again
4. The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up without a stop
She spun a silky web right at the very top
She wove and she spun and when her web was done
The itsy-bitsy spider she rested in the sun
Karaoke Video with Lyrics
Click on the button to watch a sing-along video and download an instrumental mp3 of this song for free.
Click on the button to watch a piano tutorial video and download a PDF file with music score to this song for free.
You can click on the button for a printable PDF file with Guitar Chords, Tabs and Sheet Music with notes and tablature for this song for free.
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