Celebrating the Harvest Festival + 5 Children’s Songs about the Harvest

Exploring the significance and celebration of the Harvest Festival, as well as its educational value for children.

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Harvest Festival

Harvest time is a period of great importance and celebration in many cultures around the world. It’s a time when communities come together to gather the crops that have been growing all season, a true testament to the hard work and patience invested in the land.

For children, understanding the harvest is crucial as it connects them to the natural cycles of growth and renewal, teaching them about the origins of their food and the efforts involved in bringing it to their tables.

Introducing kids to the concept of the harvest through songs and festivals is an engaging way to instill these values. Music and celebrations can make the learning process enjoyable, ensuring that the knowledge they gain is both memorable and meaningful. By participating in Harvest Festival activities and singing related songs, children can develop a deeper appreciation for nature, community, and the rewards of hard work.

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What is the Harvest Festival?

The Harvest Festival is a traditional event celebrating the successful gathering of crops. It dates back centuries and is rooted in the agricultural practices of various cultures. Traditionally, this festival marks the end of the growing season and the time to reap the rewards of months of labor in the fields. Communities often celebrate with feasts, music, dances, and ceremonies that express gratitude for the abundance of food.

Celebrating the Harvest Festival

During the Harvest Festival, it’s common to see displays of fruits, vegetables, grains, and other produce. These displays are not only decorative but also serve as a reminder of the earth’s bounty and the importance of sustainable farming practices. This celebration often includes activities such as baking contests, parades, and communal meals where everyone shares in the harvested goods.

The Harvest Festival is not only about food but also about community spirit. It brings people together, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. For children, it’s an exciting time filled with learning opportunities and fun activities that highlight the importance of working together and giving thanks.

When is the Harvest Festival celebrated?

September harvest

The timing of the Harvest Festival varies depending on geographical location and the specific crops grown in the region.

In the Northern Hemisphere, it typically takes place in late September or early October, aligning with the end of the growing season. Countries such as the United States celebrate it around the time of Thanksgiving, while in the United Kingdom, Harvest Festival celebrations often coincide with the autumn equinox.

Where are Harvest Festivals celebrated?

Harvest Festivals are celebrated worldwide, each with its unique traditions and customs.

North America

In the USA and Canada, Thanksgiving is one of the most well-known harvest celebrations, featuring family gatherings and elaborate meals.

Harvest festival with pumpkins, Quebec, Canada
Harvest festival with pumpkins Quebec Canada Marc Lautenbacher <a href=httpscreativecommonsorglicensesby sa40 target= blank rel=noopener title=>CC BY SA 40<a> via Wikimedia Commons


In Europe, countries like Germany celebrate Erntedankfest, a festival similar to Thanksgiving, with church services and communal feasts.

Harvest Festival Celebration in the UK

In the UK, the Harvest Festival is traditionally celebrated in late September or early October, aligning with the end of the farming harvest season. The celebration often takes place in churches and schools, where people give thanks for the crops that have been harvested. Churches are decorated with baskets of fruit and vegetables, which are later distributed to the needy or used in community feasts.

In schools, children participate by bringing in produce, singing harvest songs, and performing plays that depict the importance of the harvest. Communities may also hold harvest suppers, where local produce is shared among friends and neighbors. These celebrations foster a sense of gratitude and community spirit, emphasizing the importance of agriculture and the abundance provided by the land.


Asia also has its own harvest celebrations, such as the Mid-Autumn Festival in China, which includes mooncakes and lantern parades.

Wangala Harvest Festival in India Bangladesh <a href=httpscommonswikimediaorgwikiFileHarvest Festival Wangalajpg target= blank rel=noopener title=>Photo by Visma kumar<a> <a href=httpscreativecommonsorglicensesby sa40 target= blank rel=noopener title=>CC BY SA 40<a> via Wikimedia Commons

Wangala, known as the festival of “The Hundred Drums,” is a harvest celebration observed by the Garo tribe in Meghalaya, Nagaland, and Assam in India, as well as Greater Mymensingh in Bangladesh. This post-harvest festival, held between September and December, is dedicated to giving thanks to Misi Saljong, the sun god, for the bountiful harvest. Each village sets its own date for the festivities, making it a vibrant and varied cultural event.

Regardless of where it is celebrated, the essence of the Harvest Festival remains the same: giving thanks for the abundance of the harvest and coming together as a community to celebrate and share.

Why should kids celebrate the Harvest Festival?

Celebrating the Harvest Festival offers numerous educational and developmental benefits for children.

It provides a hands-on learning experience about agriculture, food production, and the importance of sustainability. By understanding where their food comes from, children can develop a deeper appreciation for nature and the efforts of farmers.

Harvest Festival Activities

Participating in Harvest Festival activities helps children learn about gratitude and community. They see firsthand the value of teamwork and the joy of sharing the fruits of labor with others. These experiences can foster a sense of responsibility and respect for the environment and for those who work to produce food.

Additionally, the Harvest Festival can be a fun and enriching cultural experience. Through songs, dances, and traditional games, children can connect with cultural heritage and history, making the lessons of the harvest both enjoyable and memorable.

5 Children’s songs about the harvest

When it’s time to talk about the harvest, singing about it will do even better!


Oats Peas Beans & Barley Grow

This classic children’s song vividly describes the process of planting and growing crops, making it a perfect educational tool for young learners. It’s a fun, catchy way for kids to learn about different types of grains and legumes and how they develop from seeds to harvest.


The Farmer in the Dell

“The Farmer in the Dell” is a well-known nursery rhyme that introduces children to various roles on a farm and the interdependence of these roles. It’s an engaging way to explain the different aspects of farming and the importance of each task in the process of growing food.


Harvest Time is Here

“Harvest Time is Here” is a joyful song that celebrates the season of harvest, capturing the excitement and satisfaction of gathering crops. Its upbeat melody and positive message help children appreciate the rewards of hard work and the cycle of growth and harvest.


Dingle Dangle Scarecrow

This playful song about a scarecrow is not only entertaining but also educational, teaching children about the role of scarecrows in protecting crops. It’s a great addition to any Harvest Festival-themed activity, bringing a fun character into the learning experience.


Old MacDonald Had a Farm

“Old MacDonald Had a Farm” is a staple in children’s music, familiarizing kids with different farm animals and the sounds they make. It’s a versatile song that can be used to discuss the various aspects of farm life and the importance of animals in the farming ecosystem.

3 Ways to Celebrate Harvest Festival in Class

Create a Harvest Display

Create a Harvest Display

Set up a display table in the classroom with various fruits, vegetables, grains, and other harvested items. Encourage students to bring in produce from home and decorate the table with autumn-themed decorations. This visual representation can help students appreciate the diversity and abundance of the harvest season.

Host a Classroom Feast

Harvest Festival Basket

Organize a classroom feast where students can share dishes made from seasonal produce. Each student or group can prepare a simple dish at home with their family’s help and bring it to class. This feast provides an opportunity for students to learn about different foods, practice gratitude, and enjoy a communal meal together.

Engage in Harvest-Themed Art Projects

Incorporate art into the celebration by having students create harvest-themed crafts, such as corn husk dolls, leaf rubbings, or scarecrow drawings. These activities can be tied to lessons about the harvest, allowing students to express their creativity while learning about the significance of the season.


The Harvest Festival and the songs associated with it offer a rich blend of education and fun for children. These activities help kids understand the importance of agriculture, the value of hard work, and the joy of community celebration. Through music and festivals, children can connect with nature and heritage, making the lessons learned both engaging and enduring.

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Celebrating the Harvest Festival in Class

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