10 Happy Easter Songs that Kids Are Going to Love

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Easter Songs for Kids

Along with the coming of spring, and besides being a religious holiday, Easter is to young children a celebration of joy and carefreeness. Bunnies and Easter eggs are the trademark of the holiday so, besides gifts, children are waiting for some jellies and chocolate eggs and bunnies.

The idea of the Easter Bunny that brings the Easter Eggs has been around since at least the 18th century. The egg, as a symbol of rebirth, symbolizes not only the rebirth of nature, but also of the resurrected son of God.

So if you want something more playful, besides religious Easter songs for kids, the following collection is what you are looking for: Happy wishes, easy lyrics, funny bunnies, games, dancing and body activities for little friends, but also a traditionally connected delicacy, the Hot Cross Buns, to complete the menu!

Table of Contents

  1. Happy Easter!
  2. Mr. Rabbit
  3. Here Comes Peter Cottontail
  4. The Funny Little Bunny With The Powder Puff Tail
  5. Going on an Easter Egg Hunt
  6. B-U-N-N-Y
  7. Little Peter Rabbit
  8. A Jelly Bean Song
  9. Hot Cross Buns
  10. Easter Parade

Happy Easter!

We sing for Spring and Easter, all together!

Spring is here, spring is here
Happy Easter
Spring is here
Come and sing with me!

Happy Easter, happy Easter
Happy Easter, come and sing with me
Happy Easter, happy Easter
Come and sing along with me!

Mr. Rabbit

Mr. Rabbit is a little funny, and he admits it! He keeps his spirits up and shines with joy.


Μister rabbit mister rabbit
your coat is mighty grey
yes my friend I like it that way
every little soul must shine
every little soul must shine

Μister rabbit mister rabbit
your tails mighty white
better to see me in the cool black night
every little soul must shine
every little soul must shine

Μister rabbit mister rabbit
your ears are mighty fluffy
yes my friend Im a tough little bunny
every little soul must shine
every little soul must shine

Μister rabbit mister rabbit
your hoppin’ legs are long
yes my friend now sing your song
every little soul must shine
every little soul must shine
every little soul must shine
every little soul must shine

Click here for a Printable PDF file with Lyrics of the song for Free Download

Here Comes Peter Cottontail

Of course you can listen to the song sung by Danny Kaye, since the song was heard in the movie of the same name by his own voice. Here we present another version, with a slightly slower tempo and, in our opinion, more accessible for children to sing sing-along.

Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin’ down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppin’, Easter’s on its way

Bringin’ every girl and boy
Baskets full of Easter joy
Things to make your Easter bright and gay

He’s got jelly beans for Tommy
Colored eggs for sister Sue
There’s an orchid for your mommy
And an Easter bonnet too

Oh, here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin’ down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppity, happy Easter Day

Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin’ down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppity, happy Easter Day

Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin’ down the bunny trail
Look at him, stop and listen to him say

Try to do the things you should
Maybe if you’re extra good
He’ll roll lots of Easter eggs your way

You’ll wake up on Easter mornin’
And you’ll know that he was there
When you find those chocolate bunnies
That he’s hiding everywhere

Oh, here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin’ down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppity, happy Easter Day!

Click here for a Printable PDF file with Lyrics of the song for Free Download

The Funny Little Bunny With The Powder Puff Tail

First sung by Gene Autry, this song also talks about a bunny. His mother gives him a basket of colored eggs to give away to children. On the way he meets the wolf… How does he manage to get away? Listen to the song to find out!

There was a little bunny who lived down the lane
in his hole in an old log rail.
With his little pink nose,
And, his long white ears,
The Funny Little Bunny With The Powder Puff Tail!

He woke one morning and his mama said,
“Now take this yellow pale
Of Easter eggs to the boys and girls.”
You Funny Little Bunny With The Powder Puff Tail!

But on his way a big bad wolf
Leaped from the side of the trail.
He snapped at the bunny with his long white teeth.
But all he got was a powder puff tail.

Away he ran to the children’s house
As fast as he could sail.
And, the big bad wolf was fooled again
By The Funny Little Bunny With The Powder Puff Tail!

Now the funny little bunny lives safe and sound
in his home in the hollow rail.
And he sits and he paints on his Easter eggs.
The Funny Little Bunny With The Powder Puff Tail!

The big bad wolf can’t bother him.
He’s grown too old and frail.
No longer can he harm our pal.
The Funny Little Bunny With The Powder Puff Tail!

So every Easter the bunny can go
to the home of the girlies and boys.
He takes them lots of Easter eggs
To fill their hearts with Easter joys.

Now the funny little bunnies all gather round
To hear him tell the tail,
Of the way he fooled the big bad wolf.
The Funny Little Bunny With The Powder Puff Tail!

Click here for a Printable PDF file with Lyrics of the song for Free Download

Going on an Easter Egg Hunt

Easter egg hunts are a classic way to get the whole family together! Gather everyone, old and young alike, for an exciting day of game-playing.

Set up your hunt by dedicating time to decorating eggs – real or paper ones. Make sure you hide them in fun places that will challenge children (or easy spots if they’re preschoolers). And don’t forget about prizes – no Easter Egg Hunt is complete without something special as rewards for finding all those hidden treasures!

So find yourself some festive tunes like “Egg Hunt” from The Kiboomers and start hunting away this holiday season!

We’re going on an Easter egg hunt,
Were going on an Easter egg hunt
We’re going to find the biggest one
Chocolate for you and me
I’ve got my Easter basket
Uh-uh! Look at that
Tall tall grass.
We can’t go over it.
We can’t go under it.
Just we’ve got to go through it!
Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

We’re going on an Easter egg hunt,
Were going on an Easter egg hunt
We’re going to find the biggest one
Chocolate for you and me
I’ve got my Easter basket
A river
A cold cold river
We can’t go over it.
We can’t go under it.
Oh no!
We’ve got to go through it!
Splash Splash Splash! Splash!

We’re going on an Easter egg hunt,
Were going on an Easter egg hunt
We’re going to find the biggest one
Chocolate for you and me
I’ve got my Easter basket
A forest!
A big dark forest.
We can’t go over it.
We can’t go under it.
Oh no!
We’ve got to go through it!
Stumble trip! Stumble trip! Stumble trip! Stumble trip!

We’re going on an Easter egg hunt,
Were going on an Easter egg hunt
We’re going to find the biggest one
Chocolate for you and me
I’ve got my Easter basket
Uh-oh a cave
A dark dark cave
We can’t go over it.
We can’t go under it.
Oh no!
We’ve got into it!
Tip-toe Tip-toe!

Sure is dark in here
Whats that over there
Its biggest chocolate egg ever!
Put it in your basket.
Quick, back through the cave
Step step step step
Back through the forest!
Stumble trip! Stumble trip! Stumble trip! Stumble trip!
Back into the river
Splash Splash Splash Splash
Through the grass!
Swish Swish Swish Swish
Through the yard
up the stairs
into the house
close the door


Get ready to celebrate Easter in style with the B-U-N-N-Y song! Just like the B-I-N-G-O Song, this upbeat tune follows a delightful pattern – each word is missing a letter that you can fill in by using body percussion like stomps, claps and snaps. So get creative and explore how much fun this kooky concept can be!

Little Peter Rabbit

A song exclusively for babies and preschoolers. Little Peter Rabbit is rather clever, as he manages to get rid of the little fly!

Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his nose,
Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his nose.
Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his nose,
So he flipped it and he flew away
Clever, clever, Peter Rabbit
Clever, clever, Peter Rabbit
So he flipped it and he flew away!

A Jelly Bean Song

Is there a child who can resist jellies? Sing and fill your cart. But remember to brush your teeth well afterwards and, most importantly, do not let your dentist know just this time!

Jelly beans
Jelly beans
Biggest basket I have ever seen
Jelly beans
Jelly beans
A mountain waiting just for me

Jelly beans
Jelly beans
Red ones, blue ones, candy coded green
Jelly beans
Jelly beans
A mountain waiting just for me

Red ones paint my life with joy
Blue ones call each girl and boy
White ones brighten up my day
Black ones take my breath away

Jelly beans
Jelly beans
Biggest basket I have ever seen
Jelly beans
Jelly beans
A mountain waiting just for me

Jelly beans
Jelly beans
Red ones, blue ones, candy coded green
Jelly beans
Jelly beans
A mountain waiting just for me

Greens ones are a kids delight
Yellow ones seen to shine so bright
Pink ones make me fill with glee
Jelly beans make me shout yipee

Jelly beans
Jelly beans
Biggest basket I have ever seen
Jelly beans
Jelly beans
A mountain waiting just for me

Jelly beans
Jelly beans
Red ones, blue ones, candy coded green
Jelly beans
Jelly beans
A mountain waiting just for me(X3)

Hot Cross Buns

Who can resist this exquisite Easter delicacy? The song echoes the call of street vendors who have been selling Hot Cross Buns in the open markets of cities for centuries. Sing and click on the link below if you want to download and print the lyrics, or on the images to learn How to play the song on the piano or on the glockenspiel / xylophone.

Click here for a Printable PDF file with Lyrics of the song for Free Download

Easter Parade

It is Irving Berlin who wrote this song, and Judy Garland with Fred Astaire who sung it in the 1948 movie of the same name. Even if your little ones don’t feel ready to sing old-school songs, they will get a great first taste with the following video!

In your Easter bonnet,
with all the frills upon it,
you’ll be the grandest lady
in the Easter Parade.

I’ll be all in clover
and when they look you over,
I’ll be the proudest fellow
in the Easter Parade.

On the avenue,
Fifth Avenue,
the photographers will snap us,
And you’ll find that you’re in the rotogravure.

Oh, I could write a sonnet
about your Easter bonnet,
And of the girl I’m taking
to the Easter Parade.

Happy Easter!

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