If you’ve been looking for Christmas Dinner lyrics, especially if you’d like to print them out, then you’re on the right page!
“Christmas Dinner” is a 1969 Christmas folk song by Peter, Paul and Mary.
On this page you’ll find the lyrics of the song and a printable PDF file with lyrics for free download. You can also watch a sing-along video. Enjoy!
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Printable Christmas Dinner Lyrics PDF
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Christmas Dinner Lyrics
And it came to pass on a Christmas evening
While all the doors were shuttered tight
Outside standing, a lonely boy-child
Cold and shivering in the night
On the street every window
Save but one was gleaming bright
And to this window walked the boy-child
Peeking in, saw candlelight
Through other windows he had looked at turkeys
And ducks and geese and cherry pies
But through this window saw a gray-haired lady
Table bare and tears in her eyes
Into his coat reached the boy-child
Knowing well there was little there
He took from his pocket his own Christmas dinner
A bit of cheese, some bread to share
His outstretched hands held the food
And they trembled, as the door it opened wide
Said he “Would you share with me Christmas Dinner”
And gently she said, “Come inside”
The gray-haired lady brought forth to the table
Some glasses to their last drop of wine
Said she “Here’s a toast to everyone’s Christmas
And especially yours and mine
And it came to pass on that Christmas evening
While all the doors were shuttered tight
That in that town, the happiest Christmas
Was shared by candlelight
Sing-Along Video
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