Ay, del Chiquirriquitín

Karaoke Songs for Kids

Carol, Spain.

“Ay, del Chiquirriquitín”, also known simply as “¡Chiquirritín!”, is one of the most popular and witty Spanish Christmas songs. It’s a catchy rhyme, with a lively and fun rhythm, and describes the birth of Mary and the manger.

Throughout the song the joy of this birth is expressed, full of affection and tenderness, using diminutives and onomatopoeia.

Table of Contents

Karaoke Video with Lyrics


Ay del chiquirritín chiquirriquitín
metidito entre pajas
Ay del chiquirritín chiquirriquitín
queridin, queridito del alma.

1. Por debajo del arco del portalito
se descubre a María, José y al Niño.

Ay del chiquirritín chiquirriquitín
metidito entre pajas
Ay del chiquirritín chiquirriquitín
queridin, queridito del alma.

2. Entre un buey y una mula Dios ha nacido
y en un pobre pesebre lo han recogido.

Free karaoke MP3 download

To download your free instrumental mp3 of this song, click or tap on the following button, then choose “Save link as…”

“Ay, del Chiquirriquitin” (instrumental, 1:57 – 6/8 – 98 bpm)

21 Canciones de Navidad y Villancicos para niños

21 Canciones de Navidad y Villancicos para Niños en versiones instrumentales

Our collection of Spanish Christmas songs includes 21 tracks from Spain, South America and the Spanish versions of English-language Christmas hits.

Singing Bell on Apple Music
Singing Bell on Spotify

Sheet music with chords

To save this free music sheet of “Ay, del Chiquirriquitín” to your computer, right click (or tap and hold, on mobile devices) and choose “Save Image As…”.

Free Printable PDF with Lyrics and Sheet Music

To download a ready-to-print PDF of this song for music activities with a music sheet, lyrics and a drawing for kids to paint, right click (or tap and hold) on the following link, then choose “Save link as…”.

“Ay, del Chiquirriquitín” free PDF download – Singing Bell

¡Ay, del Chiquirritín!

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