A la Puerta del Cielo

Karaoke Songs for Kids

Lullaby, Spain.

Although brief, this Spanish children’s song is relaxing for babies because of its melody. As it is a lullaby, it has a repetitive chorus that helps little ones relax.

According to Augustus Zanzig, this lullaby came to New Mexico from the Pyrenees in Spain.

Table of Contents

Karaoke Video with Lyrics


1. A la puerta del cielo
Venden zapatos
Para los angelitos
Que andan descalzos

Duérmete niño
Duérmete niño
Duérmete niño
Arrú arrú

2. A los niños que duermen
Dios los bendice
A las madres que velan
Dios las asiste

Duérmete niño
Duérmete niño
Duérmete niño
Arrú arrú

Free karaoke MP3 download

Karaoke Songs for Kids

To download your free instrumental mp3 of this song,
click or tap on the following button, then choose “Save link as…”

“A la puerta del cielo” (instrumental, 2:12 – 4/4 – 87 bpm)

Commercial License (Spanish karaoke)

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Sheet music with chords

in F

To save this free music sheet of “A la puerta del cielo” to your computer, right click (or tap and hold, on mobile devices) and choose “Save Image As…”.

A la puerta del cielo Sheet music with chords in F

in D

To save this free music sheet of “A la puerta del cielo” to your computer, right click (or tap and hold, on mobile devices) and choose “Save Image As…”.

A la puerta del cielo Sheet music with chords in D

Free Printable Sheet Music PDF with Lyrics

To download a ready-to-print PDF of this song for music activities with a music sheet, lyrics and a drawing for kids to paint, right click (or tap and hold) on the following link, then choose “Save link as…”.

“A la puerta del cielo” free PDF download – Singing Bell

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